In this post we’ll cover how to use RTL-SDR (RF receiver dongle) to decode wireless sensors based on 433.92Mhz and stream them to InfluxDB. We’ll use rtl_433, MQTT broker (Eclipse Mosquitto) and Telegraf.
The first post from a series about my experience with Golang, focusing around building a card game backend. This will cover my experience with gorilla/{mux, websocket} packages, wiring JWT authentication using Auth0 and implementing the REST + WebSocket APIs
I’ve decided to revive my blog after more than six years of inactivity. I was contemplating on the idea for quite some time, eventually what drove me was the eagerness to test hugo. Both technical and non-technical writing is very appealing to me, in the process a lot very useful skills are polished - organizing ideas and thoughts, overcoming “unexplained” embarrassment with self-made content, and most importantly - iterative learning.